Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Brazilian Santos: new crop

Few coffees can meet the demands of both those like light and those who prefer dark roasts. In fact if you are interested in trying a dark roast for the first time, this is a great coffee to start. The coffee is very mild and gentle. It has a very low acidity. The dry aroma gives out a tone of honey roasted almonds. (Like the ones you can find on some Christmas markets in, say, Riga). The light roast has a nice fruity aftertaste.

Unfortunately, in the light roast, the coffee becomes a bit sour as the cup cools. In the dark-medium and dark roasts the coffee has caramel aftertaste and just a hint of nutty flavour. As the cup cools, the taste becomes fruitier.

Brazil Santos will surprise and satisfy a coffee lover with a "classic Finnish" expectations and with please a gourmet, who enjoys "listening" to unique flavours for specialty coffees.
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